How To Be a More Confident Woman

Hey everyone, I know this is a change of pace for my blog but I think it is important. Not only will this help those close to me understand my "why" behind blogging but I also hope it helps other women out there struggling with self confidence.

              So the topic of this post may represent that I have all the answers on how to be a confident woman and sadly I do not. I can share though how I have become a more confident and self fulfilled young woman. A couple weeks ago I was thinking about life, and what I wanted my life to represent. I realized that one day I will look back on my life and ask myself did I do and become everything I wanted. At that moment I would have answered "no". So then I started to go through the process of making that answer a yes. Here is how I did it.

  • Who do you want to be? No, I do not mean what career do you want, although that could be what it means for you. I really mean what kind of person? A giver? A great mom? A great homemaker? A fashionista? Someone who is debt-free? Well whatever is start to prioritize it. Stop putting it off. Quit saying "I'll start tomorrow". If you really want to be something just start taking small steps toward it RIGHT NOW! You will be astonished at how one step towards your goal will give you so much happiness and purpose. That step can motivate you to accomplish your goal.

  • QUIT CARING ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE!!! You will never be able to find your value, worth, or happiness in someone else. Doing what you think someone else approves of is not going to give you joy. So therefore, quit worrying what others may be thinking or saying. If you want to take a picture in front of a thousand people because you look good, do it! If you want to wear a tight shirt because it makes you feel good do it! If you start doing small things like this because it makes you feel good, you will start forgetting about others and start gaining more confidence in yourself. 

  • Lastly, be positive and kind. I know this may not seem relevant but it is! You will realize that doing things for others and sharing positivity will make you feel so GOOD about yourself. It will also bring positivity and kindness back to you. I see so many women bringing each other down each day, so I think it would be best if we do the complete opposite and start SHOUTING praises to one another. Not only can we help in making other women feel confident but in return we make ourselves feel more fulfilled. We are all in this together! 

In this Blog I included a collage of some of the women who inspire me and encourage me to be a woman who is independent, brave, kind, and so much more. If you are feeling encouraged please share this post with another women in your life! Thank you. 


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