
How I Lost 40 Pounds On Keto

                 Holy Cow! I have now been doing Keto for eight months now, I honestly can not believe that I have stuck with something this long. I have struggled with weight loss ever since I was young and with that, I have done almost every diet known to man. I would dive in full fledge and it would only last, at most a month. I think the reason for that is, I did not see results and I was not able to eat food I loved. Well you all, Keto has changed all that!!                  I have not and am not the perfect, to the book keto eater and honestly that is my biggest tip when hoping to succeed with this diet. Do not hold yourself to doing everything perfect. It simply will not work, you will want to quit. If you mess up and eat a couple hidden carbs, it will be okay. If there is corn or tomatoes in something your ordered and you love either one, it will be okay. The biggest reason behind your weight loss to begin with is the goal to get healthy and feel better. Eating healthy

Traveling In Your Twenties

I think travel is one of those things that most people enjoy doing or even just enjoy the thought of doing. To say that you are a travel lover, you kind of have to make it some kind of a priority. Just like with anything, if you love it you will make it a priority. That is the first step to being able to travel, just simply make it a priority. For me, I had to start making it more of a priority than buying extra makeup, clothes, or even just eating out all the time. Instead of spending money on excessive things that I was not passionate about at home, I had to start taking that money and putting it towards travel. Just think cutting out even just one of these things a week could end up giving you at minimum an extra $500 a year. That easily puts you well on your way to a great trip. Another big step into being able to travel, is just believing that it is possible. I know so many people who just simply think it is not possible. I have even had that mindset. Six months ago I h

Keto at Christmas

Keto! If you want to loose weight and you have not tried keto, you are missing out! If you want to know the nitty gritty about how I do Keto and have been so successful at it please checkout my "How I Lost 20 Pounds on Keto" post. I have now been on Keto four five months and have no plans of stopping. It is something that I have decided to be a lifestyle change. With that comes challenges and one huge challenge is the Holidays and all the delicious food they are filled with. So how do I stay on track while celebrating the best time of the year? Lets find out.  MODERATION!! I will preach this all day long. If it was not for balance in this diet I simply would not be successful or happy. Both keys, in making a better you. Starting this diet I knew if I wanted it to work I would have to still enjoy food. I did not want to eat brown rice and spinach all day. On the other hand my relationship with food had to change. I love cookies, pies, and fried foods as much as an

Loosing 25 Pounds Fast

    I have talked on my blog about keto and how I have done it successfully, but I feel I need to break down how I have found that success. Before I get into it I want to mention that loosing weight is not and has never been easy for me. I have consistently gained weight the last three years. I tried multiple diets and nothing worked. Keto was kind of a last resort. If you do not know what keto is feel free to check out my other blog post. It is also important for you to know that I am not perfect at keto or pretend to be. Also, I talked to my doctor about keto and he encouraged me to continue doing it.       When I started keto I did research but I did NOT obsess about it. I started eliminating things form my diet that were obviously loaded with carbs. I did not even use a macro tracker. I knew I did not want to obsess over what I was eating, for me that would of been unhealthy and lead to failure. I did however start checking labels on things. I was surprised by how many t

How to Help Your Winter Skin

Okay so as much as I love the cold, the cold does not love my skin. My skin gets SO dry and pale! I am not one of those girls that can pull off being pale, but I wish I was! My lips are also always dry when the weather hits under 60. Today I am talking about a couple things that are a necessity for me getting through the winter. A hydrating Face Mask! Doing this once a week is so beneficial for your skin. During the winter months I do it twice a week. Not only does it rejuvenate my skin but also is a fun way to do a little self care. The Elf Hydrating Balm! Wow, I can not say enough good things about this product. I have terribly dry skin during the winter. My t-zone is so flaky and gross. I tried so many moisturizers and nothing helped. I tried this $8 balm from Elf and have had no more issues with dry skin. It is a lifesaver! A good lip balm. I, like many other women have tried a billion chap sticks/lip balms and to be honest the ones that work the best are the og'

Another Week of Keto Eating

So I have now been on Keto for a full two months! WOW! I can not believe I have been able and stick with it this long. I am down 30 pounds and I feel great! The main reason I have been able to stick with keto is because of how easy it is. I still eat food I love and feel great! My goal is to loose another 20 pounds by the first of the year and their is no doubt in my mind that I can accomplish this. I have begun doing intermit fasting. Therefore I typically only eat one meal a day. You do not have to do this, for me it works with my schedule. However, if I am hungry I eat! I hope these simple and affordable meals help you on your keto journey! Dinners Roast!! UH yummm, we popped this in the crockpot with beef broth and it was SO good. I put a little sour cream on mine and served it with green bean casserole.  Chicken Soup. It was cold and I had a soar throat so I whipped up my faviorte soup! It is so easy to make. Just chicken broth, cream of chicken, salsa Verde, shredded

Five Things You Need in Your Closet This Fall

Okay, so as we know I LOVE fall. I live in a state where one day it will be 70 degrees and the next it will be 50! For that reason my outfit change on a day to day basis. I keep a wide range of items in my closet at all times! With that being said, there are five pieces that are a must and that work with the varying temps that fall brings. These five pieces are not only comfortable, wearable, but also affordable. A flannel! So versatile, you can dress it up or down! You can tie it around your waist with a t-shirt or under a sweater to give it an extra flare. My favorite flannels are from Old Navy, they are comfy, affordable, and they have a great size range. I only buy their flannels when they are on sale and get them for under $20! Light Weight sweater! A light weight sweater is a must have piece. You can pair it with a     flannel like mentioned above or throw a scarf over top to warm it up! Or roll up the sleeves and wear with a pair of wholey jeans to cool it off!  Slip o