Loosing 25 Pounds Fast

  I have talked on my blog about keto and how I have done it successfully, but I feel I need to break down how I have found that success. Before I get into it I want to mention that loosing weight is not and has never been easy for me. I have consistently gained weight the last three years. I tried multiple diets and nothing worked. Keto was kind of a last resort. If you do not know what keto is feel free to check out my other blog post. It is also important for you to know that I am not perfect at keto or pretend to be. Also, I talked to my doctor about keto and he encouraged me to continue doing it.

  •       When I started keto I did research but I did NOT obsess about it. I started eliminating things form my diet that were obviously loaded with carbs. I did not even use a macro tracker. I knew I did not want to obsess over what I was eating, for me that would of been unhealthy and lead to failure. I did however start checking labels on things. I was surprised by how many things have TONS of carbs. The crazy thing is that sugars and carbs kind of go hand in hand. So, the more I cut carbs, the more I cut sugar. I was a pop drinker, which I obviously cut out and that helped a lot. I love sweets and I have now found substitutions for those cravings. Finding substitutions that are delicious is possible but just be prepared to turn over packages and check labels. 
  •       My biggest tip to those wanting to loose weight is to clean out your kitchen. Get rid of EVERYTHING that temps you and does not meet your "diet". When I started keto I planned it to be right before we went grocery shopping and had a pretty empty kitchen. I replenished my kitchen with only items I enjoy and that fit into my new lifestyle. This was so beneficial to my weight loss. I had no other option but then to eat the food that was good for me. I also stopped eating out. Before, I would typically eat out twice week and now only do so on special occasions. When I do eat out I try to pick things that work with my diet and do not throw me to far off track. Temptation played a huge role in my past failures, so I eliminated anything that would tempt me. 

  •       Water also plays a huge role. My first week in, I drank 100 ounces a day. I flushed my body of all the junk! I think this is what lead to my huge success early on. For me, results were such a motivator and I feel that they are for a lot of people. So I really do encourage you to try and get those 100 ounces the first week. Obviously continuing that past the first week is beneficial as well. 
  •      Take pictures! Take photos of your body and watch as it changes. Having those photos can be motivators and can remind you of where you were and how far you've come. Even when the scale is not moving your body is changing. Look at yourself with love, and don't be harsh. Don't let the photos bring you down, but let them encourage you to get where you want to be. 


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