Traveling In Your Twenties

I think travel is one of those things that most people enjoy doing or even just enjoy the thought of doing. To say that you are a travel lover, you kind of have to make it some kind of a priority. Just like with anything, if you love it you will make it a priority. That is the first step to being able to travel, just simply make it a priority. For me, I had to start making it more of a priority than buying extra makeup, clothes, or even just eating out all the time. Instead of spending money on excessive things that I was not passionate about at home, I had to start taking that money and putting it towards travel. Just think cutting out even just one of these things a week could end up giving you at minimum an extra $500 a year. That easily puts you well on your way to a great trip.

Another big step into being able to travel, is just believing that it is possible. I know so many people who just simply think it is not possible. I have even had that mindset. Six months ago I had no plans on going to California and thought it was something that I would not be able to do in my twenties. By doing this, you pretty much decrease your chances of traveling by a million. Just start planning a trip, look up YouTube videos on it, look up flights, research where you want to go. By doing this you not only speak it into existence but you start to see what steps you need to take to make it reality. After doing this I suggest writing it all out, include a budget, write how much each piece of your trip will cost. 

You see, after you start to make travel a priority and then really speak your trip into reality you have already done half the battle. Now all you have to do is save the money and go on your trip. I think we all would like to say that saving the money is the hardest part, but I disagree. I think deciding you are going to do it is the hardest part. Deciding you are going to stop spending money on things you don't really need, like a new shirt or Sunday brunch and using that money towards your trip is hard at first, but you can do it! Really reflect on all the things you buy each month and then how that money can be better used towards a dream trip. 

I know traveling can be super intimidating in your twenties, but I think this is the perfect time to go travel and see new things. It is easy to believe that a big trip isn't possible, but just take the plunge and do it. Just do your research, save your money, and take your trip. Start small, take a trip to a neighboring state, but I wouldn't suggest doing that often, unless its where you really want to go. The reason I say that is because usually you can travel further, to somewhere you really want to go for just a little bit more or even the same price! However, I think when your young its sometimes helpful to get acclimated with all the ins and outs of traveling while close to home before trying to go on a huge long distance trip. 
I hope this post helps you realize that traveling is something we can all do. traveling is something that really makes me happy and all my trips our something I will remember for a lifetime. I have so many tips on budgeting and planning so if you would like to hear those please let me know. Also if you have any tips please feel free to share them below!


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