How I Lost 40 Pounds On Keto

                 Holy Cow! I have now been doing Keto for eight months now, I honestly can not believe that I have stuck with something this long. I have struggled with weight loss ever since I was young and with that, I have done almost every diet known to man. I would dive in full fledge and it would only last, at most a month. I think the reason for that is, I did not see results and I was not able to eat food I loved. Well you all, Keto has changed all that!!

                 I have not and am not the perfect, to the book keto eater and honestly that is my biggest tip when hoping to succeed with this diet. Do not hold yourself to doing everything perfect. It simply will not work, you will want to quit. If you mess up and eat a couple hidden carbs, it will be okay. If there is corn or tomatoes in something your ordered and you love either one, it will be okay. The biggest reason behind your weight loss to begin with is the goal to get healthy and feel better. Eating healthy whole foods will not hurt you. For me, there are major things that I stay away from that are absolute no's. GRAINS-POTATOES-WHITE SUGAR!!! I am pretty big on these things not going into my system.

                  Another huge tip I have and preach on over and over is surround yourself with what you can eat and what you want to eat. I do not have anything in my home that will tempt me to break my lifestyle. For me, I have zero control, I am a binge eater and have a difficult time with portion control. Find keto friendly things that you love and keep them in stock in your kitchen. For me, it is tuna which I make into an easy lunch, crispy fried onions, and some type of keto friendly sweet. 

                 People ask me all the time if keto is expensive and for me, it has saved money. I use to eat out at least twice a week and now I hardly ever do. I also do not buy all the crazy keto branded things because I simply do not find it necessary. I eat mostly protein and veggies every day and it just does not cost that much to do. With that being said, I highly recommend finding a couple of restaurants that are keto friendly that you love. For me, it is Chipotle and Poke Loco Okc. Being able to eat out and enjoy it is still something that brings me joy, so finding a couple places that are delicious but also keep me on keto is great. 

                 I am so glad that this blog has given me a sounding board to talk about my awesome journey on keto and how it has totally changed my life. I am not perfect and there are days that I cheat and eat carbs, but I am much more mindful of what I put in my body and for me that is awesome. Keto is not something I see myself quitting anytime soon and I truly feel that it is something I will continue to do for the rest of my life. Please if you any questions or your keto tips, feel free to comment and leave them below. 


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